Set your own goals
Throughout your adventure, you can direct your property career the direction you want and set your own goals.
Regain control over your work/life balance

As an independent estate agent*, you work when you want and from where you want. There are no fixed working hours – you are the boss! You can choose to work from home, in co-working spaces with other iad agent*, or in one of our iad training centres throughout the UK.
Good to know: You can even start part time or while unemployed or retired! |
Choose the direction you want
your career to take

Estate Agent
The core of the iad property agent* profession is residential property transactions, but you can also choose at any time to train in other specialities, such as rental property, land sales, businesses and shops, etc…

Qualified trainer
If you have a taste for sharing and passing on knowledge, you can also join our community of accredited trainers, to help roll out the network’s training courses in the iad training centres.

Are you ready to develop your own team? Become a mentor and take part in our management training courses to help your future mentees succeed!

Developing teams in the UK or abroad
At iad, you can become a manager whenever you want, with the possibility of developing teams in the UK or abroad, in the 7 other countries where we are present (France, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Germany, Mexico and Florida).
I have more questions,
who can I talk to about them?